Laser Hair Removal For Women

Shaving, waxing, and plucking only offer temporary results

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Imagine no longer having to shave or wax your unwanted hair and being permanently hair free! That’s the confidence and time savings that laser hair removal will provide you. That’s why this permanent hair removal procedure is popular amongst many women. Shaving, waxing, and plucking only offer temporary results.

Laser hair removal works by using a laser to target and destroy the hair follicle. The laser is pulsed onto the skin and passes through the skin to the hair follicle. The heat from the laser damages the follicle and stops hair growth. The number of treatments you need will depend on your skin type, hair colour, and location of the hair. Darker hairs are easier to remove than lighter hairs. Hairs closer to the skin’s surface are easier to remove than hairs that are deeper in the skin.

Experienced Laser Therapists

Laser hair removal is the most effective and painless way to remove unwanted body hairs permanently. At Dermis Advanced Skin Care, we employ medical aestheticians who specialize in laser treatments so you can enjoy a stress-free experience with friendly staff members providing top-notch customer service.

Skin Types and Laser Hair Removal

The type of skin you have is one of the most important factors to consider when deciding whether or not to get laser hair removal. Many different types of lasers are used for hair removal, and each type is better suited for specific skin types. Dermis Advanced Skin Care uses the Cutera excel HR laser. excelHR was developed by Cutera, the innovative leader in aesthetic laser technology. It provides advanced premium hair removal solutions for every skin type. If you’re not sure which skin type you are, consult with our medical aestheticians to help you make the most informed decisions about permanent hair removal.